Daisypath Vacation tickers

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Almost to Bulgaria

Today we received Austin's flight plans. He leaves on September 28th. He will call in the afternoon sometime from NY. He is excited to leave but he will miss all the attention he is getting at the MTC!

Here is his letter-

Dear Family,

Where do I begin. First, thank you so much for the pickels. I haven't tried them yet but I can't wait to break into them. Okay I have tried them now. Not the crunchiest, but still great. First, thanks for the letters and packages. Second great news about Maggie. That is amazing how we get to bless nine people with a service dog and a good one too if they have Maggie's temperment. I am glad McKenzie had a good time on her date and had fun. Also I am happy she listened to me and was nice to him though it sounds like you flirted a bit much! Oh well! I also want to get a picture of McKenzie and her date before I can give her permission to pursue him (also I want to see how McKenzie looked for Homecoming) On to Robbie; It's very cool that you are trying for student council. I read your essay and I think it sounded great and I am sure you will get in and be a great student council member. Robbie don't worry about Sabrine. Girls will never make sense so all us guys can do is be nice to them and respect them. Hang in there! I am happy that everyone is doing okay as well and thank you for the letters.

Okay some cool things that happened this week. One we had to do a talk on temples and family history, so we basically got permission to use familyhistory.org for their new site. The cool part was that I was able to find a link to Ephiram and another to Adam and Eve. To be able to go that far back was really cool. I even got a link to Abraham and that was really cool as well. I only had to make one generation jump off the Ewell line because it ends in 1492 with Jonathan Ule. I also managed to bond better with my companion. Also it was an okay week. One bad thing though. I have a little cold, but I am drinking tons and have super strong cough drops. I am getting better though. I can't think of anything else to say other than some advice to Max. Once you get to Brazil MTC memorize your vocab English to Porteguese and keep on top of it. Second, get your grammar down and use what you know as much as you can. Third, I talked to one of the Brazilian teachers and he said you would get a teacher that speaks English and that it would be a great opportunity to learn the language. Some more things I remember is that tomorrow I get to host and I might get my travel plans which means I might be flying out next Saturday since the travel plans come 10 days before you leave. Other than that I can't think of anything else to talk about. You are all in my prayers.

Love, Elder Ewell

P.S. Elder Hubert says hi and his family lives in Alpine

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